
Frequently asked questions

Jiffy is developed predominantly for mobile usage. Keeping that in mind along with the effectiveness and scalability of the application, Jiffy, is a purely native developed application on Swift 5 and Android Studio.
Local online payment gateway can be integrated with the system on both mobile and web versions of the application. One complimentary payment gateway system is integrated with the system to every client.
Jiffy isn’t a market definition of a clone script of taskrabbit or upwork. Jiffy was developed to ensure the clients have a product that is unique, market ready and ability to generate revenue out of the product. With its unique combination of features from various on demand applications, Jiffy stands out as the best in the market.
Frequently asked questions Like any online business application, a broad idea of how the online business works, having a strategic business model and a strong marketing plan is an absolute must to make this application work for you and generate business out of it. As for technical skills, you don’t have to know any sort of development or software jargon to make this application work for you.
Frequently asked questions Any client at WAIOZ can vouch for the professional approach we take to ensure business models are kept discrete and NDAs are respected. You can be very certain that your information is as safe as it is with you as it is with WAIOZ.

WAIOZ has worked with corporates and startups alike to help translate and develop applications that go to the market and generate revenue. Based on the plan chosen, WAIOZ offers some curated online business consulting that can guide you into realising the revenue goal out of the application.