CMS Development Solutions in India


Here’s a list of the most remarkable features of Trippy

  • Zonal Pricing

    Regions can be marked as zones with the pricing slabs assigned for each zone tier based on the admin preference. The regions are marked on the city maps using google polygons.

  • Surge Pricing

    Demand based surge in pricing is calculated and colour coordinated to promote drivers to neutralise the demands to effect.

  • Gender Based Preference

    Ensuring safety, users and drivers can set the preference in the gender of the requested driver or the user.

  • Peak Hour Pricing

    Easy management of peak hours across zones and regions and the increase in tariff for the peak hours can be set by the admin.

  • Shared Rides

    Enabling car pool shares based on shared rides between users traversing via the same/similar route.

  • Preset Pricing

    A set pricing rather than calculated pricing can be set between two preset pickup and drop points using preset pricing management.

  • Emergency Contact

    One click call of preset contacts in case of emergency situations to secure the system and keep on top of the ride service.