

An On-Demand Taxi Booking Application

Services iOS Android Web PanelAdmin Dashboard


Taxi booking application have been predominantly digital for quite sometime now. With the proliferation of such on demand taxi booking applications like Uber, Ola and Lyft, many other small and medium enterprise are actively replicating their success.

Like taxi services, several other services like boats and luxury car rentals are in the lookout for a mobile solution that promotes their services and enhances the prospect of bring new clients.

Keeping this market gap in mind, WAIOZ has developed a well worked MVP that will provide a solid and robust groundwork to your own on demand hiring mobile application. cherrypicking on the latest features across various applications and a carefully structured MEAN stack code, TRIPPY will act as your best taxi booking framework to expand on.

What Trippy offers?

The flow of Trippy is kept simple, undeviating from the use case and effective.


Here’s a list of the most remarkable features of Trippy

  • Zonal Pricing

    Regions can be marked as zones with the pricing slabs assigned for each zone tier based on the admin preference. The regions are marked on the city maps using google polygons.

  • Surge Pricing

    Demand based surge in pricing is calculated and colour coordinated to promote drivers to neutralise the demands to effect.

  • Gender Based Preference

    Ensuring safety, users and drivers can set the preference in the gender of the requested driver or the user.

  • Peak Hour Pricing

    Easy management of peak hours across zones and regions and the increase in tariff for the peak hours can be set by the admin.

  • Shared Rides

    Enabling car pool shares based on shared rides between users traversing via the same/similar route.

  • Preset Pricing

    A set pricing rather than calculated pricing can be set between two preset pickup and drop points using preset pricing management.

  • Emergency Contact

    One click call of preset contacts in case of emergency situations to secure the system and keep on top of the ride service.



A mobile app that allows users to control their overall visitor experience while attending the fitness center – from checking in to booking workouts to collecting and redeeming loyalty points.


A mobile app that allows users to control their overall visitor experience while attending the fitness center – from checking in to booking workouts to collecting and redeeming loyalty points.


A mobile app that allows users to control their overall visitor experience while attending the fitness center – from checking in to booking workouts to collecting and redeeming loyalty points.

Technology stack


Swift. Swift was preferred over Objective-C for its modern architecture and simpler code structure to ensure effectiveness.

Alamofire. Alamofire seamlessly integrates with Swift by increasing network calling efficiency by harnessing NSURL sessions.

XMPP. XMPP offers a robust instant chat and update platform. Ensures that the updates are delivered effectively from server to clients and vice versa.

Spring and Lottie. Effective and pleasant animations are incorporated to ensure interactiveness of the app without compromising the UI and UX.

FCM. FCM is chosen over the likes of parse and pusher over its efficiency in delivering notifications.

Crashlytics. This is used to deliver crash reports to the admin and easing in performing real time QA.

Realm and CoreData. Dwell apps use local storage using Realm to improve browsing experience and database handling of the application.

Adobe XD and photoshop and Zeplin to collaborate designers and developers of the framework.


Native Java. Applications are developed using Native Java to deliver applications that are customizable, effective and robust.

Retrofit. Network and API calls are called through Retrofit which offers a more efficient system than its alternatives.

XMPP. XMPP is used for quick, effective and efficient communication set up between client and server platforms.

Lottie. 2D and 3D rendering of vector graphics to improve the user experience is done using Lottie and OpenGL.

FCM. Firebase Cloud Messaging is a free portal that can be used as an effective push notification system tool.

Crashlytics. Crashlytics is used to deliver crash reports to the admin to ensure the fixes are responded quickly to increase user retentivity.

Realm. Realm is incorporated to ensure data gets stored locally in the mobile to improve the speed of the application.

Zeplin. Zeplin is used to integrate the developers and the designers in the same platform to create an effective development environment.


MEAN. Backend language of NodeJS is combined with the new Angular 6 platform to ensure complete user experience of the framework.

MongoDB. MongoDB is used to handle larger data pool and to improve speed in processing the data tables.

HTTPClient. HTTPClient is preferred as it offers various testability features and streamlined error handling functions.

MDB. Material designs are incorporated along with bootstrap tools to ensure the designs are of current trends and is mobile compatible.

See all Frameworks

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We are grateful to have you on our website. Feel free to discuss on any possible opportunity of working together.